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Focus is a


The Focus Foundation has been established to transform the lives of adults with learning disabilities and those on the autistic spectrum.  We also offer bespoke support to physically disabled people and recognise that many of our members will face mental health challenges.


The Focus Foundation is CQC registered and has been approved by Bury MBC and Salford City Council. 


We began supporting people at the beginning of October 2021 and have been inundated by people requesting our support.

Our Vision

Our Vision

  • to support our members to have the best possible quality of life, pursue their dreams and fulfil their potential

  • to give people maximum control over their own lives and ensure they are treated with dignity and respect at all times

  • to give parents, carers and siblings support and where appropriate, a voice in decisions which affect the lives of their loved ones

  • to mobilise our community to transform people's lives and ensure no-one is left out or left behind

  • to offer a religiously and culturally appropriate service which is accessible and welcoming to Jewish people of all levels of belief and observance. 

    In appropriate circumstances we will extend our support to the wider community

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Our Support

Our organisation will offer a highly personalised service rooted in the community we serve.  The support is tailored to the needs and wants of each individual as articulated by themselves and, where appropriate, their loved ones or advocates.  Utilising a combination of public, community and private funding we seek to ensure all our members have access to:

The Support We Offer

Decent, affordable, homes

Supported living

Work, training or learning

A fulfilling social life

In some cases we will be the main provider of all or some of these services. In others we will help to facilitate this package of support liasing with funders and other providers.


Our staff will be trained, supervised and fully committed to our values and mission. 

Our Partners

We have created a new and innovative Partnership with the Friendship Circle.  Together we will ensure Focus members have access to employment training & learning opportunities to support their growth & development.  The Friendship Circle will be recruiting buddies and extending leisure opportunities so that Focus members can broaden their social horizons.  We will also be extending our network of families willing to offer a place at their Friday night or Shabbat table.



We are working with organisations in the Charedi community to develop services which are sensitive and appropriate to their needs. We want our organisation at every level to reflect the community we serve.

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